A Self-Care Guideline for Off The Mat

1. Evaluate Your Energy Use
Check in with yourself to observe where the majority of your energy is currently being disposed. Take note of your work-life balance, as well as where the majority of your time and focus is being spent in your day-to-day overall. You may need to reevaluate how much you invest into certain areas of your life and find ways to more evenly disperse yourself.
2. Spend Time On Your Own
Take time to yourself, outside of the company of others, to replenish your own energy. Make note of how you choose to spend your alone time, whether it’s partaking in hobbies, resting, reflecting, or otherwise. Notice which practices allow you to maintain your own energy and replenish your vitality, so that you can incorporate these more into your daily life.
3. Listen to Yourself
Avoid outside distractions and the opinions of others, so that you can truly tune into your own physical, mental, and emotional state of being. Listen to your body, pay attention to your inner dialogue, and notice any emotions that come to the surface, so that you can properly take care of yourself in your everyday life. Trust your intuitive guidance, above all else.
4. Prioritize Your Joy
Anything that takes away from your joy should be carefully reevaluated. If you find yourself in more negative environments, circumstances, or mindsets than positive ones, take a moment to consider ways in which you can experience more joy in your life. This may look different for everyone and could involve simple adjustments to your everyday life, or more drastic changes in your life as a whole. Follow your heart and allow happiness to guide you.
We hope these guidelines help you to establish exactly what you need to take proper care of yourself outside of your yoga practice.