Comfy and Cozy Yoga Styles for Fall

Comfy and Cozy Yoga Styles for Fall

With fall in full swing, staying comfortable and cozy in the yoga studio is a must. Check out some fall outfit inspiration for the yoga studio from our very own sustainable apparel brand. Each piece is made from recycled water bottles and manufactured right here in the US. 
October 20, 2024 — Bill Ades
Fun Partnering Poses to Try with Your Loved One

Fun Partnering Poses to Try with Your Loved One

Grab your partner for some fun and upbeat partnering poses that you can do right in your home or at the end of a regular yoga class. These are really playful positions to try with your loved one for a fun challenge and a great test of your communication skills. Check them out below.
October 12, 2024 — Bill Ades
A Self-Care Guideline for Off The Mat

A Self-Care Guideline for Off The Mat

Taking care of your mind, body, and spirit goes beyond the yoga mat. Although yoga in itself is typically considered a form of self-care, there are many other practices outside of yoga that can help us to nourish ourselves and maintain a more balanced lifestyle. Taking care of ourselves is unique and subjective to each of us, but here are some guidelines to help you create your own self-care practices that work best for you, off of the yoga mat.

October 02, 2024 — Bill Ades
How to Create an Everyday Yoga Practice at Home

How to Create an Everyday Yoga Practice at Home

This one’s for all the busy moms and dads out there! Raising children and maintaining the household, while staying on top of your own personal needs is not an easy feat. Today our team put together a short guide to creating an everyday yoga practice for even the busiest parents to maintain, while at home. Check it out below! 

September 27, 2024 — Bill Ades
How to Make Yoga More Fun for Your Kids

How to Make Yoga More Fun for Your Kids

When you mention yoga to your children, the first thing they might think is that it’s ‘boring’, right? However, if taught properly, yoga can actually be really fun for them to enjoy. Below are some of our team’s favorite ways to turn yoga into an upbeat and playful activity that they will love.
September 15, 2024 — Bill Ades
Hamstring Openers for Leg Flexibility

Hamstring Openers for Leg Flexibility

One of the toughest challenges in yoga, for many practitioners, are flexibility in the hamstrings. Many poses in the lower body target the back of the legs and may be uncomfortable if you have less elasticity in this area of the body. Below are some gentle poses to help improve flexibility in the hamstrings and open up the legs for greater comfort in your yoga practice. 

September 06, 2024 — Bill Ades
Summertime Sorbet for The Whole Family

Summertime Sorbet for The Whole Family

As summer comes to an end, don’t forget to take full advantage of the hot weather with some homemade sorbet; a treat the whole family will enjoy. Below is a recipe our team camp up with that is kid-friendly and dairy free. Enjoy! 
August 31, 2024 — Bill Ades
Aromatherapy Blend for Emotional Support

Aromatherapy Blend for Emotional Support

Aromatherapy is a lovely complimentary practice to yoga and is often combined with various yoga postures for mental and emotional support. Today, our team put together our favorite essential oil blend to help support heavier emotions, such as depression or grief. Below is a quick and easy recipe that can be made right at home. 

August 24, 2024 — Bill Ades
Meditation Exercises for Kids

Meditation Exercises for Kids

Meditation can be really beneficial for children in many ways, although not always the most exciting activity on their end. However, there are many ways for children to creatively practice meditation to make it more enjoyable for them to partake in. Below are some of our favorite ways to introduce meditation to your littles.  
August 17, 2024 — Bill Ades
3 Mudras to Help Boost Your Mood

3 Mudras to Help Boost Your Mood

One of the lesser-known practices in yoga are mudras, or hand postures. These are not usually introduced in standard yoga classes, but offer many benefits to the mind and body. Below are some common mudra positions that can be practiced for a few minutes at a time in everyday life to help boost your mood.
August 09, 2024 — Bill Ades
Summertime Yoga Poses

Summertime Yoga Poses

Harvest the full power of summer with these upbeat vinyasa poses. These postures are great to add into your everyday practice and are made for all levels. Check them out below and let us know what you think.
August 02, 2024 — Bill Ades
Circadian Rhythm Practices for Everyday Life

Circadian Rhythm Practices for Everyday Life

For any yoga practitioners who know a little bit about ayurveda (yoga’s sister practice of the science of life), following a daily circadian rhythm in which your body syncs with nature’s night and day cycle can help to promote a more balanced lifestyle. However, this can be difficult to achieve in today’s modern world, especially for those with an inconsistent schedule or a family household that requires flexibility in daily routine. So today, we are sharing more practical ways to gently align your circadian rhythm with everyday life for optimal balance. 

July 26, 2024 — Bill Ades