Yoga Poses for the Whole Family
If you’ve been wanting to try a family yoga class out, but aren’t sure if your family will enjoy it, here’s some poses to test the waters out first. Although, we are one hundred percent confident that your family will absolutely enjoy it. But, go ahead and give these a shot first, if you don’t trust us.
Yoga Tree
For this pose, all you have to do is recreate a tree as a family. Have the trunk be your strongest family member, place the tiniest human on their shoulders, and arrange everyone else around the trunk of the tree, raising their arms as the branches. You can also play with stacking multiple family members on the shoulders of the strongest family member, but just make sure to practice safely.
Think middle school cheerleading squad for this one! Have the strongest family members create the base in table top positions and stack the tinier humans on top of their backs, also in table top. To finish the pyramid, have the tiniest family member stacked at the top. Be careful with this pose as well, as it might be more difficult to keep the balance between all of the family members.
Airport Terminal
For this pose,have all of the family members line up with one another in downward facing dog and have one family member crawl under the downward facing dog one at a time, just like walking through the airport terminal.
Cruise Ship
Start this pose off by making a circle with everyone seated on the floor. Grab hands altogether and see if you can raise your knees off the ground parallel to the floor to create a group boat pose. Add some extra fun to it by swaying side to side and rocking the ship. This one can be challenging to keep the balance, so have fun with it.
Similar to the cruise ship pose, you can begin in a circle, but this time standing. Grabbing hands with one another, play with leaning forward and lifting your back leg into the air. Just like the ship, you can shift the weight forward and backward or side to side to direct the airplane.
Give these poses a try with the whole family if you're hesitant to jump straight into a full class. Remember to practice safely with cushions or on soft ground and make sure to have fun!