Hamstring Openers for Leg Flexibility
One of the toughest challenges in yoga, for many practitioners, are flexibility in the hamstrings. Many poses in the lower body target the back of the legs and may be uncomfortable if you have less elasticity in this area of the body. Below are some gentle poses to help improve flexibility in the hamstrings and open up the legs for greater comfort in your yoga practice.

Hang Loose
Take a wide stance underneath the feet, a slight bend in the knees, and drop into a gentle forward fold. Let your arms hang loose and just breathe deeply. Relax into a free-falling space and allow the upper body to hang heavy. This pose will help to gently open the back of the legs using the weight of the upper body.
Take a Bow
Grab a yoga bolster or pillow, find a comfortable seat, and lengthen the legs out in front of you. As you inhale, slowly begin to fold forward and rest your head on the cushion. You may need to stack multiple pillows or utilize blankets to find a comfortable position. Take deep breaths and allow the knees to find a slight bend if needed. This pose is great for improving flexibility in the hamstrings, but can sometimes be a bit intense, so be sure to listen to your body and stack as many cushions as you need.
Let the Wall Lend a Hand
Find a free wall and gently place your foot up on the wall at any degree that is most comfortable for you. You can keep a gentle bend in the knee taking a few rounds of breath, switching sides when ready. Utilizing the wall can help to relieve the hamstrings with more structure for the body to ease into.
Practicing these poses just a few times per week can really make a difference in your yoga practice. Let us know if these help you at all!